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In 2014 Ala Europe started producing anti-seismic stainless steel structures, for which it has filed patents directly and through its administrator.

The technology, with which the structures are made, does not use welding, it, albeit in its modesty, it is similar to aeronautical technology for the assembly of aircraft wings and as a result of which the assembled structures are light and elastic.

Two patents were subsequently filed for large prefabricated anti-seismic modular structures and in particular for anti-seismic hospitals, emergency rooms and operating rooms in which it is possible to operate during seismic tremors.

Eight patents have been filed, six of which have already been issued, concerning particular wind turbines and energy storage systems deriving from wind and hydraulic energy.

The wind turbines are equipped with robust and effective safeguards that protect the impellers from strong winds and allow to produce energy with a very wide range of wind speeds.

The patents also concern wind turbines for specific applications, for example for vehicles.

A patent has been filed concerning hydraulic turbines for small jumps and flowing water, which have their natural location in areas with small slopes. They make it possible to obtain energy from an overall highly respectable energy potential spread throughout the territory and close to the sites of use.

Also for wind turbines and hydraulics the above mentioned technology is used in part, for which we have know-how.

We are currently building a prototype of a wind turbine that can be transported with common means of transport for emergency situations and isolated areas.